Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rafting Adventures In town cool

East Java town of Malang, Indonesia is very or often called premises of Cold, because the layout of the town in the mountains, so the city is the perfect destination for us who are happy with a vehicle full of adventure natural. Many diverse petualngan vehicle in this city, ranging from mountains to Orad or a sport often called the heavy current. One of these rides Centre located in District Kasembon Malang. Which is one branch of the sport or arum Orad is Rafting rapids, activities that require physical and mental abilities due to natural challenge. Certainly there are aspects of recreational sport this challenge because of the location of rafting is usually located in areas that are still green and lush. You can enjoy the scenery and tranquil atmosphere. To be sure, rafting activities make the participants become fresh and full of joy.

Line Kasembon The line was run through the village Bayem - Beji Rejo - Sepudak Mangir and ended up in the village which is still within the district. Kasembon. Place the new rafting offers a different sensation in the appeal where the other rafting-rafting. The advantages of this place than anywhere else rafting is this place has a beutiful view, its location surrounded by mountains, natural scenery fields - fields with a yellow rice plant side, the beautiful panorama of the sunset in the evening and most of which flows the river from where rafting It has five channels with a height of 2 to 3 meters and the level of difficulty ranges from two to three-Rafter Rafter suitable for beginners and professionals. 

If you want to do adventure in eastern Java, I will be happy to assist you, I will provide all the information you need, and I will not charge for it all, because I am also adventure lover

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