Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rafting with ten Waterfalls

Rafting in this place divided into two, namely Pekalen Pekalen Lower and upper. For Pekalen rafting down rapids There are 32 that will be passed along peraftingan. Each stream has its own name. Rafting is still new, and was developed by local governments in cooperation with the Investor accompanied so many of the founders of this place gives the names for the rapids that exist in this place. Giving the names of the rapids are very unique, which is based on events that occurred while performing pengarungan. For example, a rapids called Jeram Indosat. The name was given because of the rapids was a senior Indosat fell into the water. To Pekalen center, which 7 km are usually combined with Pekalen below. because the distance is only 7 km away, would have felt very unsatisfactory liver. In Pekalen Top. have a higher level compared to berarung rapids Pekalen Down. So recommend to a beginner, it's better to do Rafting in Pekalen below. But on top of existing Pekalen too wonderful scenery, and even not found in other places Rafting, that we will pass a beautiful waterfall and the numbers are ten waterfalls, so it's loss if you do not enjoy it. Distance from Start-Finish pengarungan approximately 12 kilometers traveled for 3 hours. Rafting in Pekalen not need a lot more rowing, as well as rafting in West Java, because the river above the rapids of his Pekalen There were 55 fruit such as Welcome, Stone Beard, Pandavas, Rajawali, Xtravaganza, KPLA, Triple Ace, The Fly Matador, Shark, Cucak Rowo, Long Rapid, Good Bye. There is also Rapids "Inul", the name was taken from one of the artists who like to Dangdut singer was swayed when the stage, and indeed of participants as they pass the information desk, would be swayed by itself. I could not believe was also a waterfall which numbered about ten. However, after calculating its own. And really there are ten very beautiful waterfall, and a more exciting is not only see the waterfall. But we're rafting with the passing of this waterfall. First we will pass the rapids and then we'll get behind the waterfall. Then we have to cross through the waterfall. But this time we will feel the rush of a waterfall, because by his guide, participants deliberately stopped just below the swift splash of a waterfall. Steady and awesome it feels as though there is no right word to describe the taste is not forgotten that. And guaranteed you'll instantly be able to feel dinginya splash waterfall. What is clear Rafting in Pekalen merukapan spectacular things, and in my opinion, this river is mandatory in the visit, and is one of the Beautiful River in Indonesia. As additional information. 

Pekalen River sourced from mountain springs and Argopuro Lamongan in East Java. according to the local population has a historical story in which the King Hayam Wuruk and Mahapatih Gajahmada never stop at river. There is also a legend that says that the Queen Goddess Rengganis ever build a palace once dropped into the river before they fled to the mountains Argopuro. Until now people around still believe in the existence of the goddess bathing place, in that place. Pekalen River is a permanent river, because it can be forded even during the dry season with a flow that is not too swift 


If you want to do adventure in eastern Java, I will be happy to assist you, I will provide all the information you need, and I will not charge for it all, because I am also adventure lover

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